Open Data

17 06, 2021

Digital Guest Information and Visitor Guidance in the Bay of Lübeck

2022-05-20T10:32:11+02:0017. June 2021|Best Cases, DMO, Open Data|

The Bay of Lübeck Guide. Where can I find everything about my holiday region from a single source, ideally supplemented by real-time information? What can I experience and explore in my area? When are the next events taking place that suit me? In 2018, we set out with these common questions from locals and guests, to provide the high-quality service our tourist information offices offer - digitally and as simply as possible. In 2019, this has resulted in the "Bay of Lübeck Guide" - our digital holiday companion on site. The offer is oriented towards the [...]

12 05, 2021

Pandemic. Open Data engine.

2022-05-19T17:56:46+02:0012. May 2021|Open Data|

A Capgemini report by order of the EU Commission shows: The open data maturity level of the 27 EU countries has increased by 10 percentage points in the wake of the pandemic. Germany enters the top ten for the first time. These weeks, the Open Data / Knowledge Graph project for German tourism reaches the next milestone. Following the audit on the status of available data and the technical design, the Knowledge Graph infrastructure is now in place and the upload of data is in full swing. By importing selected test data from federal state marketing organizations [...]

12 03, 2021

Status Quo Open Data activities of the LTOs and Magic Cities

2025-01-13T09:02:40+01:0012. March 2021|DMO, Magic Cities, Open Data, State Marketing Organizations, Strategy|

In addition to the activities of the Open Data Project Group, the LTOs and Magic Cities are also actively promoting the topic in their federal states and cities. The following article is intended to provide you with a brief overview of the current project status and further procedures. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the referring person. In Baden-Württemberg, the mein.toubiz database from the agency land in sicht is used as the central state system for recording and digitizing the tourism infrastructure. All data types relevant to tourism such [...]

24 02, 2021

10 Tips for Open Data

2022-05-20T10:23:51+02:0024. February 2021|Open Data, Strategy|

We often hear the statement "I understand open data in theory, but how do I prepare my data to be open data now?" In order to explain the necessary steps in a comprehensible way, we would like to give you 10 practical tips. These are divided into the three main pillars of licenses, content and general. Licenses Review of the image and text inventory as well as contracts with photographers, authors and, if applicable, other content producers How were images and texts purchased? Which rights apply? Are they neatly documented? Is it [...]

4 01, 2021

Visitor Guidance and Open Data in Lower Saxony

2022-05-19T17:55:17+02:004. January 2021|Best Cases, Open Data, State Marketing Organizations|

The Corona pandemic has brought the issue of visitor guidance into focus. In tourist regions, hygiene and distance regulations must be met. This leads to reduced capacities in many places. Against the background of the discussion about overtourism and sustainability, active visitor management was already an important factor and will only rise in the future. Visitors need to be directed to areas that can still accommodate guests and also need to be informed in advance when capacity limits have been reached at a location. On the one hand, this allows tourist destinations to present themselves to the outside [...]

30 12, 2020

Knowledge Graph and Artificial Intelligence

2024-11-06T14:03:37+01:0030. December 2020|Data Management, Open Data, Technology|

A Knowledge Graph as a modern form of data architecture. In the future, guests will increasingly search for information on the basis of natural language. Search requests based on natural language are dictated to the smartphone or requested in the form of questions to digital assistants such as Google Assistant or Alexa from Amazon. It should be noted that queries as well as the expected responses of natural language input are different from a classic search query. Complexity increases because requests are often made in a specific context and depend on weather, current location, personal preferences, etc. Thus, [...]

29 12, 2020

Motivation for Data Management

2022-05-31T18:35:19+02:0029. December 2020|Data Management, Open Data,, SEO|

Structured Data and SEO. Search engines are becoming answering machines. The representatives of regions and places as well as hosts are usually the ones who manage basic information such as addresses or opening hours. Therefore, it is necessary to motivate them to improve the quality of data in the field. Search engine optimization (SEO) can be a great help, because tourist destinations and hosts as well want easily to be found online by potential guests - and he perfect gateway for this are search engines such as Baidu, Bing, Google and Yandex. The ways to become visible on [...]

29 12, 2020

Goals and Challenges of Data Management

2022-05-31T18:30:09+02:0029. December 2020|Data Management, Open Data|

The foundation of the digital destination. Data infrastructure is the foundation on which a digital destination can build. The quality of the data determines how digital applications can be used in conjunction with the digital equipment in the destination. An Infoscreen in a tourist information is only as good as the data quality offered to the guests. High data quality should therefore be seen as a reference for the digital maturity of the destination. The DMOs must therefore ensure that all tourism-relevant data, such as information on POIs, events, prices or opening times of excursion destinations, can reach [...]

28 12, 2020

The Digital Destination

2022-05-31T18:23:20+02:0028. December 2020|DMO, Open Data|

A digital infrastructure for guests. Destination management organisations (DMOs) have to adapt to the changing behaviour of guests. For a DMO, establishing a digital infrastructure is crucial for the future. However, this infrastructure has long since ceased to refer only to a modern website. Guests inform themselves about the holiday destination on various channels. They are also online at the holiday destination with their smartphone, tablet or laptop and book additional services directly there. Guests should therefore be picked up digitally where they are. Three key elements can be distinguished in the digital tourism infrastructure: Digital equipment, data [...]

17 12, 2020

The Digitally Networked Guest

2023-06-02T16:55:34+02:0017. December 2020|Open Data, Strategy|

Guests are digitally connected - always and everywhere. The behavior of guests is changing in the course of advancing digitalization: they are increasingly informing themselves and booking digitally, both before and during their trip. The digital device serves not only as an information medium, but also as an all-in-one solution with which guests can access the destination. Guests decide to use an output channel depending on the situation, need and habit. In order for information to be displayed on different media, it must be prepared in a coherent manner. The data can then be used interoperably and can [...]

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