State Marketing Organizations

28 10, 2024

Digital challenges in tourism

2024-10-28T15:16:11+01:0028. October 2024|Data Management, DMO, Open Data, Smart Destination, State Marketing Organizations, Strategy, Technologies and backgrounds, Technology|

Digitalization is making travel planning more individual and authentic. Visitors are using digital channels and information sources more and more when planning their trip, but above all on site. And this is completely independent of their destination. The decision for or against a vacation destination is made quickly, usually with a click or a tap of the finger. In order to master these digital challenges in tourism in the coming years, the strength of a networked and united industry is urgently needed. Above all, the (open) data from tourism associations and companies will flow into new services and [...]

12 03, 2021

Status Quo Open Data activities of the LTOs and Magic Cities

2025-01-13T09:02:40+01:0012. March 2021|DMO, Magic Cities, Open Data, State Marketing Organizations, Strategy|

In addition to the activities of the Open Data Project Group, the LTOs and Magic Cities are also actively promoting the topic in their federal states and cities. The following article is intended to provide you with a brief overview of the current project status and further procedures. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the referring person. In Baden-Württemberg, the mein.toubiz database from the agency land in sicht is used as the central state system for recording and digitizing the tourism infrastructure. All data types relevant to tourism such [...]

4 01, 2021

Visitor Guidance and Open Data in Lower Saxony

2022-05-19T17:55:17+02:004. January 2021|Best Cases, Open Data, State Marketing Organizations|

The Corona pandemic has brought the issue of visitor guidance into focus. In tourist regions, hygiene and distance regulations must be met. This leads to reduced capacities in many places. Against the background of the discussion about overtourism and sustainability, active visitor management was already an important factor and will only rise in the future. Visitors need to be directed to areas that can still accommodate guests and also need to be informed in advance when capacity limits have been reached at a location. On the one hand, this allows tourist destinations to present themselves to the outside [...]

5 02, 2020

ThüCAT – The Concept of Digital Tourism

2022-07-11T10:26:47+02:005. February 2020|Open Data, State Marketing Organizations, Strategy|

What if...? ...the exhausted hiker in search of a cool beer would no longer have to stand in front of closed doors, even though the website said 'open'? ...there was no answer such as "I don't know!" to the question "Alexa, where can I go dancing tonight in Erfurt?"? ...dynamic startups would have all the up-to-date, authentic and correct data of Thuringia's tourism, in order to develop innovative applications and offers without any obstacles? The employees of Thüringer Tourismus GmbH asked themselves these questions based on the state tourism strategy Thuringia 2025. "We were looking for [...]

5 02, 2020

Tourism data management North Rhine-Westphalia – Open, Linked, Digital

2022-07-11T10:26:00+02:005. February 2020|Open Data, State Marketing Organizations, Strategy|

Today's guests are digitally on the move. The smartphone and other mobile devices have become a constant companion for people. They communicate via social media, get their information on a wide variety of platforms and book their restaurant visit, museum tour and accommodation wherever they happen to be. This change in people's information and travel behaviour, along with the diversification of output channels and new developments in the areas of Big Data, the Internet of Things or Artificial Intelligence, is one of the major challenges facing the industry today. This is where the project "Tourist Data Management North [...]

14 11, 2019

Open Data in Thuringia

2022-07-11T10:17:46+02:0014. November 2019|Best Cases, Open Data, State Marketing Organizations|

At Thüringer Tourismus GmbH (TTG), the topic of data has been all about ThüCAT, the Thuringian Content Architecture Tourism, since 2018. All tourism content is to be bundled centrally in one place with this database. The declared goal is for all this content to be available as open data. Selection of Contents For Detlef Klinge, Head of the Competence Center Tourism 4.0 of Thüringer Tourismus GmbH, it is clear: "An essential question already lies within the content audit: Which content is really needed?" Not all texts, photos and videos that have been produced or purchased [...]

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