Development of the Open Data / Knowledge Graph Project

STATUS QUO2021-12-09T15:57:18+01:00


Current Project Status

The Open Data / Knowledge Graph project was launched aiming at making the German tourism industry fit for the future. This project is a collaboration between the German National Tourist Board (GNTB), the federal Landesmarketingorganisationen (LMOs, federal state marketing organisations) and Magic Cities. The Open Data / Knowledge Graph project is implemented in the form of a Knowledge Graph, merging Germany’s tourism data.

The following timeline shows the current project status and which preliminary work has already been done in this regard.

Project History

June 2023

Milestone 3 Completion Knowledge Graph

28. June 2023|

The completion of the Knowledge Graph for German tourism has taken place with milestone 3.

Goal: By milestone 3, the Knowledge Graph is ready for production. There is a continuous expansion and optimization of the data sets, as well as the integration of additional partners.
Data users can request access here.

May 2023

Retrieve test data Knowledge Graph

2. May 2023|

Test accesses for using the Knowledge Graph have been available since April.

Goal: Gain initial experience with open data in your own application.

Result: Over thirty registrations in the first few weeks.

November 2021

Milestone 2 Implementation of Knowledge Graph

30. November 2021|

Milestone 2 was successfully reached in the implementation of the Knowledge Graph for German tourism.

Goal: With milestone 2, five additional domains are prepared, the basic functionalities are completed and a first test application is implemented.

Result: The additional domains accommodations, gastronomy, cities and offers were prepared, push interfaces were set up and a first application was developed.

May 2021

Milestone 1 Implementation of Knowledge Graph

31. May 2021|

Milestone 1 was successfully reached in the implementation of the Knowledge Graph for German tourism.

Goal: Milestone 1 combines and illustrates the preparation of 1-2 domains, data import and demo queries in a first basic implementation.

Result: The domains POI, Tours & Events were prepared, first test data imported and demo queries performed.

December 2020

Project start Implementation Knowledge Graph

1. December 2020|

Kick-off meeting for the implementation of the Knowledge Graph for German Tourism with the project partners involved.

Goal: Common understanding of the project

Result: Definition of further steps

November 2020

Transfer of the DACH-KG to the Open Data Tourism Alliance (ODTA)

20. November 2020|

Transfer of the DACH-KG into a new organizational form, the Open Data Tourism Alliance

Goal: Standardization of semantic markup of data based on and initiation of model projects

Result: Development of a jointly agreed procedure on how to coordinate a standardization of the data sets.

December 2019

Concept of the Knowledge Graph

16. December 2019|

Call for tenders for the implementation of a common knowledge graph for German tourism

Goal: Development of a Knowledge Graph as a data hub for Germany as a travel destination

Result: Start of the conception for the technical implementation of the Knowledge Graph

July 2019


1. July 2019|

Analysis of the current status of data types, content types and technical systems used by GNTB, LMOs and Magic Cities.

Goal: Investigation and evaluation with regard to their usability in a graph database.

Result: Definition of the process steps for the introduction of an open data structure

December 2018

Launch of the Open Data project

16. December 2018|

Decision of the GNTB to make its data available as Linked Open Data together with the marketing organizations of the federal states (LMO) and the Magic Cities.

Goal: Coordination between GNTB, LMO and Magic Cities for joint approach.

Result: Start of joint work on tasks of the Open Data project.

November 2018

Foundation of DACH-KG

12. November 2018|

Naming of the working group as DACH-KG (DACH = German-speaking area; KG = Knowledge Graph). Working group of public tourism organizations and research institutions, at the invitation of Tourismuszukunft.

Goal: Creation of a tourism knowledge graph for all tourism-relevant data in German-speaking countries. In addition, further development of tourism standards for the description of data based on

Result: Raising awareness and generating attention for the topic of Linked Open Data. Building trust between stakeholders. Implementation of initial extensions to the vocabulary

July 2018

First meeting on Linked Open Data in tourism

18. July 2018|

First meeting of DMO, LMO and research institutions in Innsbruck with the title “Linked Open Data in Tourism”.

Goal: Discussion of the possibilities and necessities for a common tourism knowledge graph.

Result: Desire to collaborate on the topic of Linked Open Data.

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